Riverdale Recap

Spoilers Ahead


Riverdale, one of the most popular shows on The CW and at Hills, recently aired “Chapter Twenty-One: House of the Devil,” its eighth episode of season two, on Wednesday, December 6th. Season two revolves around a new mystery killer in Riverdale, and the gang – Betty, Veronica, Archie, and Jughead – are working together to uncover the true identity of the town’s murderer, nicknamed the Black Hood.


In episode eight, Jughead’s father, F.P. Jones, is released from prison and thrown a welcome home/retirement party. Archie confesses his love for Veronica, but she’s unable to return the favor; this ultimately results in the end of their relationship. Also, Jughead chooses the Serpents over Betty to protect her, which, too, ends their relationship.


Freshman Sylvie Najarian offered her thoughts on “House of the Devil.” “It was too predictable that “Varchie” and “Bughead” broke up. The Serpent party scene was upsetting and confusing, and no one knows what to expect in the next episode,” Najarian mentioned. “In my opinion, everything happened too quickly, and the bigger moments like the breakups should have been slowed down.”


Two breakups in one episode was something that many watchers of the show were not a fan of. Freshman Ben Tukhin revealed he “did not enjoy the ending very much, because it caused both relationships [in the show] to come to an end for the time being.” Because both relationships were such major aspects of the show, the upcoming episode is unpredictable.


An anonymous freshman, an avid fan of Riverdale, also shared her opinion. “It was extremely poorly written, and there were many plot holes,” Eusebio said. “I’m disappointed in the confusing contradiction between characters in the last episode to the characters in this episode – very unprofessional.”


Although students’ opinions on the recent episode were almost uniformly negative, the mystery in the show is still exciting, and viewers will stay till the finale to see the big reveal as to who the Black Hood is. To numerous fans, the mystery of Riverdale is essentially the whole appeal of the show.


“Last week’s episode of Riverdale was not my favorite because the beginning bothered me, especially since I am not a Varchie shipper. Also, I didn’t like how Betty tried changing who she was to be ‘accepted’ by Jughead and the Serpents,” freshman Olivia Chin commented. “Recently Riverdale has not been as captivating and interesting as usual, but I hope the next episode will be.”