This Is Us – Season Three Premiere

Grab your tissues and cozy up on the couch because This Is Us is back for Season 3. America’s family is back and ready to break our hearts once again.
The new season, as always, takes place on the triplets’ birthdays. We left off last season with Kate marrying her lovable husband, Toby. Additionally, the cause of Jack’s highly anticipated death was revealed. As for Kevin, he was last seen in rehab for his problems with alcohol abuse.
So what can we expect from the new season?
Well, Kate and Toby are prepping for a pregnancy. Due to fertility problems between the two, Kate and Toby visit an IVF specialist to improve their chances of getting pregnant. Unfortunately for the newlyweds, due to Kate’s weight and the effects of Toby’s antidepressants, there is only a 10% chance of success. Although the odds seem slim, Kate is ecstatic about this news. Meanwhile, Toby secretly flushes his antidepressants down the toilet. This could be the start of a brand new problem for the couple.
As for Kevin, thankfully he is out of rehab and seems to have more control over his life. In fact, he even has a new secret love interest, Beth’s cousin, Zoey. This secret doesn’t last long, as Beth catches on within the first few minutes of the show. To Beth’s dismay, Zoey and Kevin both insist on staying together. Zoey has a bad past with relationships, so this should be interesting throughout the rest of the season.
Randall’s story picks up with him taking Deja for a ride. As part of his plan to ask Deja if she wants to be adopted by the Pearsons, he takes her to the apartment where his biological dad lived. Although thankful for the family’s generosity, Deja denies Randall’s offer due to his tendency to compare their childhoods. As the episode progresses, Deja realizes that this family’s love for her is special and she can’t walk away from it. Randall gets the best birthday present of all, a new daughter.
And finally, as for the strongest couple of TV history, the audience finally gets to see Jack and Rebecca’s first date. In this flashback, young Jack and Rebecca first meet at a bar. The couple begins to get bored of the bar and walk to a carnival instead. During the date, Rebecca brings up the war, which pulls at Jack’s strings. The date takes a turn for the worst and the pair go home. While dropping Rebecca off, he finally confides in her and talks about his struggle with life after war. After hearing Jack’s story, Rebecca kisses Jack, signifying their first kiss. The next day, Jack goes over to bring her flowers, but sees Rebecca with another man.
So, the season premiere leaves us with a lot of burning questions for the rest of the season. What will happen with Kate’s pregnancy? Will the absence of Toby’s antidepressants impact his life? What will happen with Kevin and Zoey’s relationship? And who is that man kissing Rebecca? We’ll just have to stay tune to find out. Don’t forget to watch, Tuesdays at 9:00 pm on NBC.