Jujutsu Kaisen season two & the Shibuya arc
What is anime? Anime is an adaptation of manga or light novels. Manga is the comic version of an anime where the anime originates from. The light novel is like a normal book. Anime could be for kids or adults depending on the genre. Some of the stuff that is in anime is really mature like bloody fights. It could also be for kids like pokemon, etc.

Jujutsu Kaisen is an animated series by Mappa studio. Mappa has animated plenty of other series like Attack on Titan and Dororo.
The original story and Manga are written by Gege Akutami. The story starts with a boy named Yuji Itadori, who is in an occult research club.
*****Spoilers Below*****
One day, after the club ended, his grandpa died who was his only family. A guy named Megumi Fushigiro confronts Yuji because he sensed a cursed object on him. Yuji told him that the occult research club was opening the cursed object. find this object that is called a curse. His friends opened it and curses started attacking them.
Megumi and Yuji are fighting against it but aren’t doing well against it. Yuji decides to eat the cursed object. The cursed object is from the strongest curse Ryomen Sakuna.
Yuji is then taken to Jujustu high where it’s Being decided if he gets executed or not. They decided to execute Yuji after he eats all 20 fingers so that Sakuna will no longer be. Yuji then becomes a Jujutsu sorcerer
The Shibuya arc is what season 2 is going to be covering. On October 31, people were trapped in the Shibuya station. The cursed spirits Mahito, Jogo, and plenty of other cursed spirits are behind it.
A lot of important things happened in this long arc. The most important thing is that Gojo, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, was sealed. Nanami dies, and Nobara is in a death-like state. Sakuna destroyed 140 meters in diameter of Shibuya while also killing a lot of people. Yuji did not like that since they are in the same body so he technically killed all those people.
Near the end of the arc one of Gojo’s students, Yuta Okkustu finds and fights Itadori. He ends up faking killing him so that he can escape with Yuji. Around that mark is the end of Shibuya arc. This series would appeal to a viewer who enjoys action and dark fantasy.
What is anime: Anime is an adaptation of manga or light novels. Manga is the comic version of an anime where the anime originates from. The light novel is like a normal book. Anime could be for kids or adults depending on the genre. Some of the stuff that is in anime is really mature like bloody fights. It could also be for kids like pokemon, etc.