College overview: The University of Michigan

The University of Michigan is one of the nation’s top-ranked public universities with a large alumni base and competitive sports programs.

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Producers of the Harry Potter movies actually considered making the Law Quad, pictured above, part of the scenery for Hogwarts.

The University of Michigan holds a special place in many students’ hearts. If you are interested in becoming a Wolverine, attending a top-ranked public university, and experiencing the spirit and local color of Ann Arbor, the University of Michigan might also be the right place for you.

To many, Michigan is known as a sports school. With an NCAA Championship, 14 Big Ten Conference titles in basketball, 110 winning seasons in football, and the largest football stadium in the United States, this statement is mostly accurate. However, for many, it is not only the sports games that they look forward to; instead, fans and students would argue that there is nothing better than the University of Michigan’s school spirit. 

If waking up early on a Saturday morning and dressing up in Maize and Blue isn’t for you, then there are a variety of other opportunities to take advantage of at the University of Michigan. With the largest alumni base in the world, the University of Michigan provides students with every resource imaginable. These alumni resources and contacts may be used for studying, research, or even future employment opportunities.

Students at the University of Michigan also have the opportunity to meet new people. This university prides itself on its diversity, accepting exceptional and well-rounded students from all around the world. However, students can also participate in Greek life in order to communicate and form friendships.

The University of Michigan displays its beauty and elegance through its buildings and architecture with a campus spreading over 3,207 acres. Producers of the Harry Potter movies actually considered making the Law Quad part of the scenery for Hogwarts.

Current Hills sophomore Elizabeth Epstein expressed, “When I visited the University of Michigan I was impressed. Not only did the student body seem so passionate about their work, but the university’s atmosphere was unique and appealing, as displayed through the mix of old-fashioned and modern architecture.”

Overall, many people would argue that the best thing about the University of Michigan is its diversity. However, what is clear is that this diversity is not only about the student body. Instead, Michigan’s diversity also refers to the variety of opportunities and class choices offered, ultimately making each student’s four years in Ann Arbor such a special experience.