The Pascack Hills Broncos: Mascot and logo update
The school community was recently able to view several potential ideas and provide input about the future Broncos logo.
Joseph A. Sorrentino / JAS Photo
Hills students cheer for their fellow students at a pep rally during the 2019-20 school year.
This school year, the mascot change has been a pressing and widely debated topic among students, parents, and faculty in the Pascack Hills community. As was approved a few months ago, Hills’ mascot is now known as the Broncos.
“When thinking of the Broncos name in correspondence with Hills, determination and grit are two words that come to mind. Students and educators alike exhibit their own forms of hard work during their time at Hills whether that may be in learning, athletics, clubs, or all. This, among other qualities, has made the community stronger,” said Hills freshman Alexa Sipos, a member of the mascot logo committee.
The student body has been referred to as the ‘Broncos’ in various school-wide emails and school announcements, which has started to give this new title a sense of meaning. Merchandise has been introduced as well to help students, teachers, and parents embrace the changes and take pride in the new mascot.
Recently, there was a school-wide poll to help determine the design and format of Hills’ new logo. The school community was able to view several potential ideas and provide input about the future Broncos logo.
“The [mascot committee’s] efforts, feedback, and ability to work together have been crucial factors for the current success of the selection,” stated Sipos.
The committee met with a graphic designer to discuss the design of the logo and how it will be integrated into the school. Factors being considered include how it will look on a uniform, which font will be used, and how the colors will be represented.
After the designer provides the committee with sample logos, the team “will be evaluating those samples, offering suggestions… and sharing our opinions on what we like best,” said English teacher and committee member Ed Sandt.
The committee has debated whether to just include the head of the horse in the logo, or to also add in some of the torso and legs. “There has been consensus that the image should be bold, but not overly complicated. It should be recognizable and lasting,” stated Sandt.
The committee is keeping open the possibility of revision and editing, and it is choosing not to confuse the school community by making changes to an already public design. They are hoping to have their work completed by the end of the school year, with a June 8 meeting to examine the designers’ samples and decide how to proceed.
Committee members have worked to ensure a smooth transition from ‘Cowboys’ to ‘Broncos.’ Despite the mascot change being controversial, students and staff have an opportunity to share their thoughts so the final product is something they will be happy with.
In addition to the mascot logo, further decisions will need to be made as the rebranding of the school gets underway. Along with the upcoming school year, the mascot rebranding marks the start of a new era for Hills with the potential to leave a positive impact.

Kate Zydor, a junior at Hills, joined the Trailblazer her freshman year as a staff writer. Since her sophomore year, she has edited the In-Depth section. She is looking forward to another year of writing articles and editing along with her co-editor, Sabrina Moe.
Fun fact: Zydor's favorite pastime is watching and listening to true crime documentaries and podcasts.