On Monday night, the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education swore in the 2023-24 student representatives, listened to a presentation, and responded to comments from the public.
Pascack Hills senior Olivia Ge was re-appointed student representative for Hills this school year. She was sworn in by BOE member Yas Usami.
The BOE listened to a presentation from the curriculum department about annual fall score reporting. Dr. Barry Bachenheimer, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, discussed the 2022-23 New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) and New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA) results. He also discussed Advanced Placement (AP) and SAT scores.
“Here’s the spoiler alert: we went up in almost every category that we possibly could with a few exceptions, but our scores across the board definitely increased over last year which we are very pleased about,” he said.

Ge being sworn in by Usami.
Dr. Russo, District Supervisor of Math and Computer Science, discussed the 2023 NJGPA Math results. He also discussed upcoming plans for the mathematics department including the use of the math center and targeted, meaningful feedback for students.
“I’m very proud of how hard our teachers worked and our students work, how hard they always work, but particularly this last year, in getting these scores up. It’s one of the many things we try to do, but we certainly see the fruit of these labors and I just wanted to give a big thank you, certainly to the teachers, for all the work they do,” he said.
Bachenheimer also discussed plans for the English department including the use of the writing lab and a focus on independent reading programs in classrooms.
Megan Graziano, District Supervisor of Science and Technology Education, presented the Spring NJSLA Science scores. She also discussed science department plans such as the use of LinkIt benchmark exams and inquiry and lab-focused lessons.
World Language and Music Department Supervisor Argine Safari discussed the ELL Testing Data and program resources for students.
At the end of the presentation, BOE member Kristin Martin thanked the teachers and administrators for their hard work.
BOE members listened to a comment from Pascack Valley seniors Olivia Mattessich and Abby Fox regarding the Pascack Valley Regional Dance Team uniform budget.
“I would like to say that you guys were very impressive, our dance team is an award-winning dance team and you are a vital part of our district. Having our students come to speak is one of the best things ever, because it shows you are invested and interested in your learning and your growth. I really appreciate you coming up here and speaking,” said BOE Vice President Gini Varghese.
When discussing an education agenda item about the curricula, BOE member Dr. Kelly Blundy mentioned health and physical education deficiencies. She encouraged the school and board to work towards improving the statistics.
Martin also asked about the likelihood of students taking alternative forms of physical education. Bachenheimer said that a program was in the process of being implemented prior to the pandemic and the department is “looking to bring back as much choice as possible and looking to enhance [their] offerings.”
At the end of the meeting, Varghese wished the students luck for the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.
“To all the students, good luck starting in your next year,” she said.