Athlete of the Week: Kelly Buquicchio

After having the 7th all-time fastest 300 time for the girls track team at Pascack Hills, Junior Kelly Buquicchio was awarded with Pascack Hills Athlete of the Week. Kelly is an impressive runner and leader for the track team at Pascack Hills.
“Kelly has taken on a leadership role for the girls team. She helps motivate her teammates and lifts them up. She is willing to leave everything on the track for the team,” track coach Mr. Koehler said.
Kelly is helping to lift a rebuilding girls team. The girls have a deep core of sprinters. They are focusing on building a better rounded team and working on filling in more of the skill events such as hurdles, long jump, triple jump, high jump, shot put and pole vault.
“My role on the team is being motivational and supportive for my teammates. I would do anything for them and I’m definitely not afraid to scream as loud as I can at any track meet,” Buquicchio said.
Because of Kelly’s hard work and dedication to track, she has been able to thrive for the team. Her ability did not come out of nowhere, it runs in the family.
“My sister and mother were both big track stars in high school. When I got to high school, I was not sure if I wanted to run, but I quickly fell in love with the sport,” Kelly said.
Kelly’s encouraging and inspiring teammates motivated Kelly to take it to the next level. A special bond has formed with the team, allowing everyone on the team to enjoy their sport and take advantage of their opportunities.
“The relationships you form with your teammates or even people you meet at meets is truly awesome. We’re just one big family that from the moment I got to the first practice I just new I could’t leave the team,” Kelly said.
The girls winter track team is looking to reach some short term and long term goals as the season progresses. In the short term, the girls are looking to hit season best performances at upcoming meets. Long term, the team would like a few athletes to qualify for the state group championship.
“My goal is to most importantly enjoy the season. I want to be able to go to groups and compete for as long as I possibly can with my girls,” Buquicchio said.
The players for the Pascack Hills Girls Winter Track team build off each other in order to reach their goals. Coming up, the girls have the New Balance games at the Armory, the Bergen County Relays, the Bergen County Championships and The North 1 Group 2 State Sectional Championships.

Aidan Berson, a senior at Hills, has been a member of the Trailblazer since his freshman year. Before becoming a Sports Editor, he primarily wrote articles for the section during his junior year. This year, Berson is looking forward to keep writing for the Trailblazer and to edit the Sports section with Shaan Dalal.
Fun fact: Berson can touch his tongue to his nose.