Reporting with Hills Pride

The Trailblazer

Reporting with Hills Pride

The Trailblazer

Reporting with Hills Pride

The Trailblazer

SCOPE hosts annual Powderpuff game

On May 30, the Pascack Hills SCOPE club hosted the annual Powderpuff game, a flag football event between junior and senior girls.
Josh Baskin
Seniors at the start of the game.

On May 30, the Pascack Hills SCOPE club hosted the annual Powderpuff game, a flag football event between junior and senior girls.

SCOPE is a nonprofit organization that fundraises to send children from underserved communities to summer camps. Seniors Noah Arum and Samantha Freed created the Hills club two years ago with the goal of fundraising and bringing awareness. This year, Arum and Freed decided to bring back the annual Powderpuff game.

“The game has taken place a few times in the past, however, we felt it was really important to bring it back this year as a way to commemorate the end of the school year. As seniors are graduating and juniors are entering their last year at Hills, we wanted to bring the two grades together for a fun and memorable bonding event,” said Freed.

This year, the junior and senior girls dedicated the game to Hills junior Jaime Brown.

“In lieu of recent events, the participants collectively decided to dedicate this game to one of the juniors, Jaime Brown, who was recently diagnosed with leukemia. We wanted to show her all our love and support as she continues her battle, and we wanted to encourage her to keep being so strong and positive,” said Freed.

Proceeds of the game were donated to the SCOPE organization, as well as Brown.

“We are so excited for what is to come for this club, and we hope the Powderpuff tradition can be carried on at Hills for many years to come,” said Freed.

Take a look at this gallery for photos from the game:



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About the Contributors
Josh Baskin
Josh Baskin, Staff Photographer
Kaitlyn Verde
Kaitlyn Verde, Editor-in-Chief
Kaitlyn Verde is a senior at Hills. She joined the publication her freshman year as a staff writer and edited for the Arts & Entertainment and School News sections her sophomore and junior years, respectively. This year, Verde is excited to be the Trailblazer's Editor-in-Chief alongside Olivia Ge and report for the community with Hills Pride. Fun fact: Verde enjoys reading in her free time, and her favorite book is "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue."

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