Ten Study Hacks

If you are the type of person that says they want to do better in school this year, but never does anything about it, this article is for you. If you are a procrastinator, these simple steps will help lead you to academic success.
Put Your Phone Away
This is the most important step because if you are texting while studying, you are not going to attain any of the knowledge. Instead, you will be caught up in the drama going on in your phone. If you cannot seem hide your phone from yourself, have a guardian or sibling take it from you until you have finished all your work.
- Use Flashcards
If the test you are about to have is memory-based, flashcards are your go-to. Studies show that writing out information and then saying the information aloud actually help you remember them better.
- Make a Quizlet
In addition to writing on flashcards, creating a Quizlet set of everything you need to know will help you tremendously. Quizlets can help you increase your knowledge because it reinforces the information you do not know and cannot get right while testing yourself.
- FaceTime a Friend
FaceTiming a friend will help not only you, but your friend as well! You can explain the information to your friend that they do understand, and they can do the same for you. Of course, you will need your phone for this one ☺
- Attend extra help
Even if it is the morning of the test, going to extra help will always benefit a student. The teacher will always help increase your understanding and hopefully get your grade a few points higher.
- Take Online Quizzes
Though not many people do this, it is very helpful to look up quizzes online for the subject that you are being tested on. For example, if it’s a test about the French Revolution, you should search “online quiz on the French Revolution” to make sure you know the information necessary for your assessment.
- Create Mnemonic Devices
Mnemonic devices help significantly when it comes to memorizing things in a certain order. For example, to memorize the planets in order, the mnemonic device is “My very educated mother just served us nine pickles.” You have a better chance of memorizing the terms if you have a system to go with it.
- Crash Course
John Green’s Crash Course videos on YouTube are the best, especially for history tests. If you are slightly confused about something you are learning, Mr. Green easily clears that up for you. He explains everything in depth, but at the same time adds humor to it.
- Take Breaks
If worst comes to worst and you are left studying for a test the night before, you must take breaks. It is crucial to take at least five minute breaks when you feel yourself losing focus or dozing off. If you do not take breaks, you will tire yourself out leading to less success on your assessment. It is crucial to give your brain time to breathe.
- Review Right Before
Right before the test, review the information. If you have a test period six, then study all throughout lunch. Even if you think you know everything, there is no harm in reviewing more before the test.
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