May horoscopes
For Taurus, during this quarantine, you should also take time to get to know yourself all while letting your creativity flow because this will bring you a newly found clarity of your life.
Aries (March 21- April 19): May will be a time for you to acknowledge moments in the past and identify which experiences have shaped you to be the person you are today. Along with this, you should also identify the academic characteristics that you would like to work on considering Saturn begins his retrograde on May 11. Although it may be hard to stay focused during this time period, you still need to begin changing your work ethic in order to better your academic career. Likewise, you need to start setting goals for yourself in order to bring order to your life. With this newly found organization, you will begin to realize that your training wheels are off and that it is time to mature. Lastly, this month will be full of ups and downs relationship wise depending on your decisions which mean that you need to remember to express your emotions and be careful of who you let into your inner circle.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): This month is mined with making and acknowledging decisions that may have been in the back of your mind. Starting May 11, Saturn moves retrograde into Aquarius which means that this is a perfect time for you to start becoming more independent and, of course, a decision-maker. Furthermore, this quarantine is a good time for you to allow your creative mind to frolic because Mars will be entering Pisces starting May 13. During this quarantine, you should also take time to get to know yourself all while letting your creativity flow because this will bring you a newly found clarity of your life. All in all, May will be a time for you to make decisions that will further your growth in all aspects.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Gemini, May is all about relationships and specifically bettering them. Your Mercury will be making his way into Gemini starting May 11, helping you create a better, more harmonious, environment for yourself. Due to this, you will be more inclined to better your current relationships which can be done simply by video calling your friends and family. For all the single Gemini’s, you will start to reminisce about old partners/friends and all the experiences you have had with them. Although you may feel a little saddened by these memories, you need to take them and consider the qualities of people who deserve your love and attention. On the other hand, those in relationships will have time to understand the possible problems that are occuring in your relationships. One piece of advice to remember for this month is to take time to communicate with your partner or friend in order to prevent an unwanted ending.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22): This month may begin with a rocky patch due to the fact that affection-ruling Saturn moves retrograde in Aquarius which may result in you feeling like no one is tending to your needs. You must take these emotions and turn them into a time of creating better boundaries amongst friends or partners. Along with this, Mercury will be entering Gemini, thus bringing spiritual clarity into your life. This will majorly benefit you because it will bring order which is needed to build new boundaries as mentioned before. In general, May is a time for growth and realization because you will find that your growth will halt some relationships, but further the ones that were meant to be.
Leo (July 32 – August 22): May has blessed you with a blank slate, so take advantage of this opportunity and begin reshaping your world. This month, Saturn moves retrograde in Aquarius meaning it is time to challenge yourself to create a better schedule considering this quarantine has completely thrown off everyone’s normal agenda. Once you create a schedule that is beneficial for you, keep it and continue using it until it is time to adapt to a new one. Moreover, this month will also bring you new communication skills that will cause you to articulate your needs to others. Make sure to balance out this energy by making conscious efforts to listen as well. The last thing to remember this month is to not get agitated when you feel like you are not getting the recognition you want, it will come eventually because good work never goes unnoticed.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22): This month marks a time where you need to pay attention to your thinking. You may need to fine-tune your old ways of thinking which encourages you to start to form new rules in order to reorganize your mind. Along with this, Mercury will be entering Gemini which means that you will be able to collect insights from friends. This is your time to better your communication skills and, more importantly, listen to what your friends may be telling you because they are viewing things from a different perspective. Much like Leo, you will also be able to communicate all your desires which can be used to speak up for something that you may believe is unjust, or bettering a relationship. To sum up May for you, it is a time to better your thinking methods as well as your communication skills because it will solely benefit you in the future.
Libra (September 23 – October 22): Libra, May is full of finding out ways to better your relationships or start new ones. Starting May 13, Mars will be entering Pisces meaning you will realize that you need to soften your approach towards love. If you are in a relationship, you will notice that your partner’s emotions may sway your emotions as well, but you need to find another way to process that because it may lead to some problems. On the other hand, single Libra’s will feel less motivated to start new relationships. Although you will lack motivation, you need to gather yourself and follow this phrase “take it easy, and don’t rush.” This phrase will be a driving force for not only the single Libra’s, but those in relationships as well because it will cause you to acknowledge that good things take time.
Scorpio (October 23- November 21): One of your best qualities is your understanding of others, however, you need to share your thoughts as well. This means that you should begin sharing what you are feeling in order to let those who care about you into your mind. Starting May 13, when Mars makes his way into Pisces, you may find yourself going in and out of auto-pilot mode. With this in mind, those who are in relationships will find it harder to express their love, but you need to keep in mind that this may result in detachment between you and your partner. If you are single, it could be challenging to focus on people who you thought you had a crush on which will change due to the retrograde that will bring old flames back into your heart. All in all, this month is your time to communicate what you are thinking because if you do not, it may result in good relationships burning.
Sagittarius (November 22- December 21): During May, you will need to make a conscious effort to tighten your purse strings. Your Saturn will encourage you to start being more conscious of money which will benefit you because you find yourself spending money on useless items while trying to pass time during the quarantine. However, this does not mean that you can not have fun, you just need to find other ways to spend your time in order to prevent you purchasing any unessential items while on a rampage through Amazon. Furthermore, this month will make you feel more obligated to reach out to family, especially considering the fact that social distancing has stopped a lot of visits. Something as simple as calling a grandparent or even playing cards with your family will not only brighten their day, but also bring you some positivity during these negative times.
Capricorn (December 22- January 20): Much like Virgo, you need to start letting go of your old ways of thinking. As Saturn moves retrograde in Aquarius and Gemini, you will be able to take control of your life. This transition will provide you with a window of creating new routines that will benefit your lifestyle. Moreover, you should develop a more passive approach when talking to loved ones because it will favor collaboration over confrontation. Towards May 13, when venus moves toward Gemini, it may become difficult to gain motivation for work. Although you may lack motivation, you need to find things that will help you gain focus on things such as academics. In general, you just need to start creating a schedule that will not only match your lifestyle, but also bring you motivation to get things done.
Aquarius (January 21- February 18): May will cause your heart to swell with sympathy because the Moon will be waxing into Scorpio. Due to your sympathy, you will find an intense feeling to start contributing to your community in any way that you can, even if it is just putting a thank you sign up for all of our first responders. You can also pick up projects that have been in the back of your mind which will not only benefit you, but those around you as well because your attitude will become more positive. While going on your journey of helping others, you will gain a new perspective on the world as well as more organizational skills. Use this to make a list of things you want to get done during the quarantine, so you can stay positive and busy.
Pisces (February 19- March 20): Pisces, your opportunities are endless this month. Since the Moon will begin waxing in Scorpio and Mercury will be ruling Neptune, you will tap into your true artistic Pisces self. Due to this, you will be able to communicate your passions through your work. Take this to write things that you feel because it could help you release any suppressed emotions. Furthermore, love is in the air for both single and taken Pisces because you will feel more inclined to engage in romance than usual. Obviously, under current circumstances, you are not able to see that special someone, but you can video call them or simply send a nice message to that person because it will strengthen your bond. You will also be able to realize what truly matters in your life which will set everything else into perspective. Lastly, remember that not everything will be perfect and that there will always be hard times, but it all depends on how you deal with it.