November Horoscopes


Designed by Rily Alexander

Aries (March 21 – April 19): This month your inner strength will surge and you will feel better than ever. This month you should have full confidence in yourself; ask for what you want and do not hold back! You know how to obtain what you truly desire, even in the toughest of times, so do not doubt yourself! However, try to not make any major decisions towards the end of this month, because there will be a full moon in Gemini. This moon may bring you some unexpected news, so it is better to take a deep breath, relax, and remember that everything happens for a reason. 


Taurus (April 20 – May 20: These past couple of months you have been in a slump, and feel it has been extremely hard to do even the simplest things; but, you must remember to take a good long look in the mirror and remember what you are worth and capable of doing. You are not lazy, Taurus, the pressure lately has just been too much for even you to handle. Not to fear though, the weight will be lifted off your shoulders this month and you will feel lighter than ever. You will have a sudden rise in confidence and use it to its full potential! Be bold and spontaneous, ask out your crush, or buy that outfit that has been sitting in your cart! You deserve it!


Hills Junior and Taurus, Christine Audia, said  that she is “very stressed, [and is] hoping to gain peace for sure.” 


Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Usually, you are a social butterfly, constantly out and having the time of your life. However, this month we advise you to take a break and focus on yourself. However, towards the end of this month you will be recharged and ready to get back out there! Despite your social nature, it will benefit you greatly to just take some time; put on a face mask, read a book, start that new show, or finally get on top of your work! If you choose not to heed our warning and stay in, it could bring in too much drama, even for you to handle. 


Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Get ready to give out lots of hugs this month because your caring nature will truly shine through. It is time to help your stressed friends and family get their work and life under control. Your strong and confident side is often overlooked when it comes to your sign, however, as the month goes on you will feel like there is nothing you can not accomplish. Use these energies to get your work done in order for your November to be less stressful! 


Leo (July 23 – August 22): You will be surrounded by nerves this month, whether your own or someone else’s, however, you should not give in! They will soon disappear and your inner optimism will shine through. Use your charming personality and offer support to those who might need it. While you may find yourself focusing on others, make sure to take time for yourself and find out what you really need this month and what could benefit you. 


Hills freshman and Leo, Sophia Padilla, said “I would like to work on my time management for this month.” 


Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Many see you as a spiritual leader and often seek you out for advice and an outlook on a situation. While it may feel like it is quite impossible to get in touch with anything right now in these trying times, you have to look out for yourself this month. Many are under pressure and many will end up on your doorstep asking for your help, So, be careful and take care of yourself. Otherwise, you might feel overwhelmed by the number of people wanting your advice. 


Libra (September 23 – October 22): This month be very careful with spending money. You will start to worry about your finances, but it is important to remember to stay calm. Maybe you do not need another amazon package just yet! Try your best to stick to a budget and avoid spending your money on that seven-dollar iced coffee. The good news, however, is that this month everything will fall into place for you in terms of your relationships and you will finally receive those text messages you have been waiting for. 


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): While you may love the spooky seasons, this season may be a bit too much, even for you. November will bring lots of stress and worrying. Your month will begin with a rocky start and you will start to over-analyze those texts or focus too much on one homework problem. Relax. You will be able to handle everything on your plate, you have done it all before, you will be able to do it all now. Do not look too deeply into other people’s words or actions towards you. Your loved ones adore you for who you are; do not scare them off with your worst habits. 


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Happy Sagittarius Season! While Scorpio season was focused on looking inwards, Sagittarius season is all about showing your true qualities to the world. This month will bring you lots of birthday optimism and despite the current restrictions, you will find a way  to celebrate. Get in tune with your creative side when trying to get everyone together. Hope you have the best Sagittarius season  and that all your birthday wishes come true! 


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20): Capricorn, we get it, you are tough, but sometimes you act too tough, and end up not asking for help when you need it the most. This month brings lots of stress, busy days, and late nights, and you will need to work in some self-care in between all of that. Do not just power through everything thinking that will make it go faster. In the long run taking mental health breaks are what helps you focus. Take a long bath or take a nap; whatever you need to help you relax and rest in order to come back better than ever. 


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18): November will begin very dramatically for you, however out of all of the signs, you are the revolutionary zodiac. You are ready to fight for what you believe in, but many around you view you as a leader, so try to stay level headed and do not fly off the handle, it will not end well for you. Later on in the month, you will receive some exciting news regarding your relationships with your crush or loved ones or money so keep an eye out for the best part of your month! 


Hills freshman and Aquarius, Aliyah Khan, said “I want to get better grades and learn time management. Also, become a better person.” 


Pisces (February 19 – March 20): After a stressful and worrisome start to your month, you will pull a 180° and take back your month. You will start to feel adventurous and up to any challenge when the bold Sagittarius season begins. Do not hold back on these energies and complete all that you feel is possible. Towards the end of this month you will also observe a surge in your creativity; use this time to paint or write, challenging your skills and bringing out the best of yourself.