Meet the district’s new superintendent, Sarah Bilotti
Prior to coming to the district, she was the superintendent for the North Warren Regional School District for the past seven years.

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Outside of working, Bilotti enjoys reading, traveling, hiking, and tending to her indoor plants.
[Editor’s note: Bilotti was previously interviewed by Paul Zeller, the district’s director of technology and communication, linked here. The Trailblazer wrote an article using information from that interview for this year’s spring print edition, which can be found on page two of this PDF version, here. This article was written after the Trailblazer interviewed Bilotti, and includes other information aside from what was previously reported on.]
Following the resignation of former superintendent Erik Gundersen, interim superintendent Daniel Fishbein and the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education hired Sarah Bilotti as the permanent superintendent for the district.
According to a letter that was sent by BOE president Joseph Blundo, she has been the superintendent for the North Warren Regional School District for the past seven years, and previously served as principal, assistant principal, and director of special services in other districts.
When Bilotti was asked about her favorite part of working in this career, she gave one answer: the students.
“Definitely the students…It’s a cool experience to help kids with what direction they want to go in,” she said.
The superintendent also shared that a few students within the district have contacted her about ideas that they have regarding programming, and that she is going to discuss it further with them and the principals at Pascack Hills and Pascack Valley.
“Student voice is so important,” she added.
Outside of working, Bilotti enjoys reading, traveling, hiking, and tending to her indoor plants.
“We are so lucky in N.J. to be so close to the beach; we truly take advantage of it,” she said.
Specifically, Bilotti likes to go to Asbury Park, and stated that “there’s always fun things [happening] on the boardwalk.”
Another place that she likes to travel to in the country is Pheonix, Ariz.
“It was the first place I went to when traveling opened back up,” she said, “Sedona has really nice fine dining, hiking, and golf, and it’s so close to Phoenix.”
A third place that she said she enjoys traveling to is New York City.
“I take my two nieces there and they are really excited that I’ll be closer so we can take the train there together,” she said.
Pennsylvania is Bilotti’s current state of residence, but she will be moving locally as she starts in her new position.
A final favorite that Bilotti discussed was food.
“I would have to say mac and cheese,” she said, “I also love ice cream and lattes with oat milk.”
Bilotti’s final thoughts mirrored her earlier statements.
“I really do like listening and talking to students…I’m looking forward to meeting with some of the student leaders,” she said.
She added that she is eager to work with the other new administrators, such as the incoming vice principals at Hills and the principals at both schools.
“The question I really want to answer is, ‘what’s our shared vision?’” she said.

Briana Keenan is a senior at Hills. She joined the Trailblazer her freshman year as a staff writer and edited for the In-Depth and School News sections her sophomore and junior years, respectively. This year, Keenan is looking forward to being the publication's Editor-in-Chief and continuing to write, edit, and manage stories for the Hills community.
Fun fact: Over the summer, Keenan went to the School of the New York Times for two weeks.