In forty years, what will you remember? Your first kiss? Your best friend? Your favorite teacher’s name? The adrenaline rush when dressing up for a school event?
At Pascack Hills High School, there are few “special” days. There are a limited number of students who actually look forward to waking up at 6:40 in the morning to sit in a classroom for 7 hours, 5 days a week. I’m most definitely not one of them.
What could possibly be done to make all 800 or so students excited to drive up Grand Avenue?
Other schools, such as Riverdale, a private school in the Bronx, and Tenafly High School, have specific days each year that are marked off for special events. Celebrity Day (dress up as your favorite celebrity), and Field Day (an athletic competition between each grade) are just a few creative ideas that students have participated in.
Choosing which of your favorite football teams jersey to wear right before the playoffs or going through your closet on a Wednesday night in search of something a popular rock star would wear makes the idea of hearing the first period bell ring sound so much better.
If students look forward to attending school, they will eventually enjoy it.
Also, it is important that students get a break every now and then. Four tests and two projects in one week become overwhelming, and when faced with too much work, the quality decreases.
If students have a break every now and then, it will make things a lot easier and will relieve some pressure.
Overall, it is necessary for our school to have certain days marked off each year for special events, otherwise walking up the lobby stairs each morning will just be another dreadful part of the 180 days we attend school.