As everyone already knows, Memorial Day, annually observed on the last Monday of May, is practically here. This is often an exciting time filled with barbeques, trips to the beach, and weekends with family and friends.
It’s especially exciting this year because it is a newly extended weekend due to our lack of snow-days. Although it seems to be an enjoyable holiday to relax and daydream about summer, it is also meant to be a day of commemoration.
Originally, Memorial Day symbolized a day to remember the Union soldiers who passed away in the Civil War. Eventually, it held a more united meaning: it became a day for all soldiers who passed away while serving in any war.
Memorial Day is therefore a day where we honor those men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces. In addition to this, many people even feel inclined to visit the graves of their loved ones who didn’t even fight in the army.
In the end, whether one celebrates Memorial Day for this occasion or another, it marks a time of remembrance and has much sentimental value.
As long as we continue to observe the holiday, it can help tie friends, families, small communities, and the nation together.