With the month of February comes heart-shaped chocolates, bouquets of roses, 144 million Hallmark cards and life-size stuffed animals. For all of those who don’t find the ‘his and her towels, let’s grow old together’ mentality glamorous, there are other holidays to celebrate and warm your hearts.
On the 7th, you can honor Hubert Booth and Daniel Hess, the inventors of the vacuum cleaner, and build one of your own to suck up all of the tissues you cried into over your ex. Three days later, toss those typical couple-photo-booth-photos into the trash on “Clean Out Your Computer Day”! Just one day before the big V-Day, complete your ex-cleanse by embracing “Get A Different Name Day” – just change a few letters around and you sure won’t recognize those initials carved into your special tree in the park.
When Hallmark hits America on the 14th, try to avoid the Godiva sample station. Don’t spend the day eating your feelings; instead, pull out your sweats in preparation for tomorrow night’s a hot date on the couch with Chinese takeout in celebration of “Singles Awareness Day”. Remember, as it’s time to turn the page from January to February, don’t cross Cupid’s day out on your calendar, make other plans and try to take cover before any arrows strike your heart.